Capacity-Related Service Desk Tickets Reduced by 99% with Visual One’s Predictive Monitoring

Capacity tickets per year before Visual One Intelligence®

Capacity tickets per year after Visual One Intelligence®

Yearly savings based on industry-standard service desk cost data.

Enterprise IT infrastructure monitoring can feel like a constant game of whack-a-mole.

By using Visual One Intelligence®, this company took control of their storage health and reduced user requests for storage space by over 99% in just one year.

43% of IT professionals surveyed in 2023 deal with over 1,000 alerts per day.

40% of IT professionals surveyed in 2022 admitted to ignoring alerts due to alert fatigue.

Alert fatigue can reduce the productivity of IT staff by up to 20%.

Staying on top of storage health was a constant battle for this company – especially when it came to capacity allocations.

On a daily basis, they were reacting to imminent problems or needs. These included issues that could have been prevented more efficiently – if they only had more time.

Instead, most of their time was taken up putting out fires and responding to realtime alerts.

For example, in just one year, the storage management team received 15,000 tickets from users requesting additional storage space. That’s approximately 41 capacity tickets per day!

The team was initially hesitant to use Visual One Intelligence®’s predictive monitoring – a unique methodology that combines a proprietary blend of infrastructure analysis in order to identify risks and prevent problems before they can occur.

Although realtime monitoring was resulting in so many service desk requests for capacity allocations, it just felt like the safest option. It’s best to know about a problem as soon as it happens, right?

What they found surprised them. By replacing constant last-minute interruptions with once-daily alerts, they were able to focus on fixing and preventing more problems than before. Instead of waiting for a user to run out of storage space, they had enough time and visibility to take action before it was necessary with once-daily alerts every time a device reached 80% capacity. No emergencies, plenty of time to take action.

Visual One providers alerts when a device or workload reaches 80% capacity (or any threshold you choose) so that you can re-allocate storage or assign additional capacity before a problem occurs. No need to react at the last minute!

After a year, the company found that user requests for storage space diminished from 15,000 to less than 100! If ticket requests cost an average of $15 – $60 per ticket (as identified by Gartner), that’s a yearly savings of roughly $500,000.

And that was just thanks to storage capacity alerts. In total, Visual One Intelligence® monitors for over 100 industry-standard best practice alerts. 

Not only are these red-light and yellow-light alerts updated daily in the user dashboard, but they are also sent weekly directly to users’ inboxes – so infrastructure admins can plan out their week and prioritize which risks to address when, without worrying about urgent emergency remediations.

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