“Our Feedback Led to Immediate Product Enhancements” | Fortune 500 Financial Institution

In Their Own Words

“Visual One Intelligence’s willingness to actively work on enhancements and customize features based on our feedback made our jobs easier and more productive.”

– Capacity Planner,
Fortune 500 Financial Institution

The Problem

Capacity Planning Team Needed to See Hard-to-Access Data

Despite seeing major improvements in efficiency by using Visual One Intelligence™, a Fortune 500 capacity planning team was still missing key data.

In order to make better hardware purchasing decisions, they needed to see trend reports broken down by physical, effective, and raw storage. And to improve workload placements, they needed to predict the impact any changes would have on existing device capacities.

Knowing that Visual One Intelligence™ (Visual One) claims to be a client-first company, they asked if Visual One would add new capacity planning automation to their reporting abilities.

The Outcome

Visual One Intelligence™ Builds Brand New Reporting Abilities

Visual One Intelligence™ was eager to help. In their next product update, they added delineated trend reporting and “hypothetical modeling” projections for all of their customers.

These abilities created separate capacity reports for physical storage, effective storage, and raw storage, enabling key distinctions for the team. They also innovated a way for capacity planning teams to include hypothetical details like future workload and device changes in their capacity and performance models.

The Impact

Better Decisions & Easier Workdays

For this particular capacity planning team, the impact was immediate.

“Visual One Intelligence’s willingness to actively work on enhancements and customize features based on our feedback made our jobs easier and more productive.”

Now, they are making more confident decisions based on stronger data – all without having to build the new reporting on their own.

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